Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

NWTF HUNTING HERITAGE BANQUET:  The Branch River Thunderin Toms from Manitowoc County will be holding their banquet on Tuesday August 16, 2016 at the Branch River Golf Course, 3212 N. Union Road, Cato, WI. Doors open at 5 pm and Dinner will be at 7 pm. Great Food, Guns and Prizes and Lots of Fun. Cost is $45 which includes dinner and NWTF membership, BUT, if you order on line you will save $10.00.

EARLY BIRD RAFFLE: Return paid registration by 8/02/2016 for entry into a drawing for a GOLD CARD. One nice item I found is, they are offering a Hunting Buddy Table, assemble (8) of your friends, clients, or co-workers and receive reserved seating for only $900! Your table will receive one table gun-Smith & Wesson 9mm, (8) Gold Cards, (8) NWTF memberships, and (8) outstanding meals. Hunting Buddy Tables MUST BE PURCHASED by August 1, 2016.

SPONSORSHIP: Includes (1) NWTF Sponsor membership, (2) Banquet Tickets, 2 Gold Cards and a NWTF Sponsor gift. All for only …$300. To Save $10.00 off your ticket, order tickets online at: or call Rodney for more information at 815-403-3597.

With the number of turkey hunters in Manitowoc county, there is no reason in the world why you cannot support this chapter of the NWTF. I was part of the group who helped plant the turkeys in Manitowoc and Kewaunee Counties in the early 90’s and look how much they have grown in the counties. Hope to see all you turkey hunters there this year.  NOTE: Rodney is looking for a few good people to help him with this banquet and/or become a committee member.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

NRA-ILA NEWS from 6-26-2016:   NRA stood by Due Process, Rule of Law in Senate, America witnessed a remarkable and telling legislative showdown this week that revolved around a very simple concept underlying American democracy. That concept is DUE PROCESS. Some were willing to discard it for the sake of politics and the illusion of safety. Others were not.  SUPREME COURT DECLINES TO REVIEW GUN BANS: On Monday last week, the Supreme Court declined to review a lower court’s decisions upholding sweeping bans on popular semiautomatic firearms enacted in Connecticut and New York in the wake of the attack on Sandy Hook School. These bans are the products of the Democrat Party and most of its members.  EU MOVES FORWARD WITH PLAN TO RESTRICT SEMI-AUTOS: In recent weeks the EU has pushed forward with its plan to severly curtail gun rights across its 27 member states. The final vote will come this fall. PAY ATTENTION AMERICA!!!   THE AR-15: AMERICAN’S BEST DEFENSE AGAINST TERROR AND CRIME: Hillary Clinton looked past the obvious enemy—radical Islamic terror—and instead said “weapons of war have no place on our streets” and that we need to ban AR 15s immediately. AR 15s are fine for Hillary and her family. They’ve been protected by armed guards who use them for three decades. But the average citizens who watch the news and feel genuine fear for their safety, and their families’ safety, Hillary wants to deny them the level of protection she insists upon herself.
DEMOCRATS: WE WILL OVERCOME THE CONSTITUION: Nothing stirs the passions of Democrats these days quite like the prospect of gutting the Constitution. In an unprecedented act of pretend political bravery, House members held a catered sit-in, demanding that Republicans allow a vote to strip away protections of the Second, Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the Constitution. It was quite the scene.  Here are some other subjects you really need to look at that happened last week. LAWMAKERS ABANDON DUE PROCESS,  D.C. MAYOR CALLS FOR MORE GUN CONTROL, (He’s a Democrat), CALIFORNIA LT. GOV. NEWSOM’S GUN CONTROL INITIATIVE QUALIFIES FOR NOVEMBER CALIFORNIA BALLOT, NEW CALIFORNIA GUN CONTROL BILLS TARGET CONCEALED CARRY LAWS, and last, NEW JERSEY ANTI-GUN POITICIANS GOING FOR THE KNOCKOUT PUNCH to completely dismantle the Second Amendment even after their state has some of the most strict gun laws in America.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

FISHING ON LAKE MICHIGAN: Fishing out of Manitowoc and Two Rivers Harbors has been good the last week. Most anglers are reporting a mixed bag of rainbows, cohos and chinook as well as a few lakers. Some large fish have also been caught with rainbows over 15 lbs and chinooks over 20 lbs. There is still a lot of alewives in the harbors, and pier fishing has been extremely slow. Remember fishermen, every Friday and Saturday mornings you can listen the CUB Radio Sport Fishing reports for the latest up to date fishing reports with Capt. Bruce at 6:20 AM, 7:20 AM, 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM on those days. Derbies and holidays will have extra days of broadcasting done.  In the Spirit of the Outdoors, please be safe on the waters.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

SPECIAL NOTICE OF MANITOWOC COUNTY FISH & GAME JULY DIRECTORS MEETING: Cathy Stepp DNR Secretary will be the guest speaker that will be open to the public at the July 29th meeting starting at 6:30PM at the City Limits ( formerly Club Bil-Mar ). The Secretary will speak and take questions for 45 minutes. After that, THE MEETING WILL BE CLOSED  and the directors will conduct their normal monthly business meeting. So if you have a question for the Secretary, come on out to ask it straight to the head of the DNR. This is a golden opportunity for the public to meet and speak with a state official of the DNR.

WESTSHORE SPORTSMAN’S CLUB is offering a $500 scholarship. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a member, a child of a member, or a grandchild of a member of the Westshore Sportsman’s club. You must have also completed your second year of college by June 30th.  Applications can be obtained by contacting Mike Casebeer at 920-553-1255 and all applications must be returned or postmarked by June 30th.

Camp TaPawingo’s 2016 Summer Hunter Safety Camp: Camp TaPawingo’s 4-H camp is once again offering a Wis. DNR Hunter Education course for campers who would like to spend a week camping with fellow campers. Camp fees: A deposit of $50 per camper is required at the time of registration and the balance needs to be paid by July 1st. Camperships: the camp offers help to families who need financial assistance to attend camp. Contact camp at 920-755-2785 for more information. Camp registrations can be mailed to:  Camp TaPawingo, P O Box 935, Manitowoc, WI 54221-0935. If you have questions, contact Kevin A. Palmer at 920-683-4169 The First Camp is held on July 18-21 and the second week is July 25-28. What a great thing for the children in enjoy and what a wonderful place to camp.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

The following story will tell you why we in Wisconsin have more common sense than all the Liberals in America.  The Manitowoc Gun Club along with Joe’s Sporting Clays held a Scholastic Clay Target Event on May 21, 22, and 23rd.  The event which consisted of 100 each, 16 targets and 50 each Skeet targets at the Manitowoc Gun Club and 100 targets at Joe’s Sporting Clays. There were 523 – 16 yard trap shooters, 97 skeet shooters and 277 sporting clay shooters. They represented 11 shooting clubs, 15 High School teams and 1 college team. There was trophy’s and ribbons handed out to all the high shooters in all events and those that were high in all three events. The shooters came from as far away as Hudson, WI which is next to the MINN border. The Scholastics Clay target program awarded prize money for the high shooters team endowment. The ages of the shooters range from 10 years old to 18 years old. Well Done Manitowoc Gun Club. The members of the gun club worked very hard to make this a wonderful experience for all those attending and participating in the sport of shooting.

Roger's Outdoor Notes

DNR IS SEEKING MORE PUBLIC INPUT:  The DNR is seeking more public input into the development of commercial whitefish rules for Lake Michigan. The initial public meeting was held on May 23 and the DNR has posted proceedings and supporting materials at the following website at and search “Lake Michigan commercial whitefish.”  The DNR is in the process of potentially developing a specific rule that better protects spawning whitefish in northern Lake Michigan and may potentially modify commercial fishing zone whitefish allocation or zone structure to better reflect current whitefish abundance and distribution. The comment period will remain open until June 30th for those who were unable to attend the meeting or provide written feedback to date. Send comments via email to or mail to: David Boyarski, Wis. DNR, 110 S. Neenah Ave., Sturgeon Bay, WI  54235  Phone (920) 746-2865.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

ATTENTION ALL READERS:  The following story will tell you why we in Wisconsin have more common sense than all the Liberals in America.  The Manitowoc Gun Club along with Joe’s Sporting Clays held a Scholastic Clay Target Event on May 21, 22, and 23rd.  The event which consisted of 100 each, 16 targets and 50 each Skeet targets at the Manitowoc Gun Club and 100 targets at Joe’s Sporting Clays. There were 523 – 16 yard trap shooters, 97 skeet shooters and 277 sporting clay shooters. They represented 11 shooting clubs, 15 High School teams and 1 college team. There was trophy’s and ribbons handed out to all the high shooters in all events and those that were high in all three events. The shooters came from as far away as Hudson, WI which is next to the MINN border. The Scholastics Clay target program awarded prize money for the high shooters team endowment. The ages of the shooters range from 10 years old to 18 years old. Well Done Manitowoc Gun Club. The members of the gun club worked very hard to make this a wonderful experience for all those attending and participating in the sport of shooting.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

NRA-ILA ALERTS as of June 10, 2016:  Barack Obama wants to unilaterally strip your gun rights. It’s puzzling that the Univ. of Chicago Law School permitted Barack Obama to lecture on constitutional law, as comment he made last week indicate that he would struggle to properly teach high school civics. Specifically, the president appears wholly unfamiliar with the concept of due process. Also, the courts have ruled that a Six Year wait for recovery of seized guns is Unconstitutional. In New Hampshire, the State’s Supreme Court invalidates a permit rule as Bogus. Agency can’t make up new requirements. New Hampshire allows nonresidents to apply for a concealed carry license. FBI NEWS: FBI data reported this week that the NICS background checks saw a surge in permits drives for a record May 2016. Records show a 41% increase in background checks conducted for firearm carry and purchase in May 2016 as compared to May 2015. It is the highest on record for the month of May. TAX: Hillary Clinton’s history of support for prohibitive taxes on Firearms and Ammunition, was confirmed when questioned during an interview last Sunday about her support for gun control. She also questions an individual’s right to own a firearm and the follow-up question about taxing firearms is also of interest. Clinton refuses to say Second Amendment protects Individual right. COURT RULES: Concealed carry, California and the Truth about the 9th Circuit’s ruling.  Last week Thursday the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in a 7-4 decision that Americans don’t have a right to carry concealed handguns for protection. Since California bans people from openly carrying guns, their decision amounted to prohibiting people from carrying guns at all (whether openly or concealed). ( Editor’s opinion: What do you expect from a Liberal court like the 9th, yet in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals they support our Constitutional Rights and they cover Wisconsin.) The Alabama AG denounces ruling denying Right to Carry concealed gun in Public in the California ruling. Arkansas AG also denounces 9th Circuit ruling against firearms outside of the home. Coming up in California on Tuesday June 14th, there will be several Anti-Gun bills scheduled for a hearing.  QUESTION TO ASK YOURSELF: Why do Liberals (Hollywood likes) support gun control, yet they all have bodyguards with firearms. Maybe it’s time we demand they go unarmed like they want us to be?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

THE STARS & STRIPES SHOOT will be held at Viking Bow & Gun club on July 9th, 2016 starting at 9:00am and running until 3:00pm. It is Presented by the Ariens Company. Test your skills on the Rifle, Pistol, Trap and Indoor Archery ranges! THERE WILL BE FREE BB GUN AND ARCHERY GAMES FOR THE KIDS. Open to all shooting enthusiasts; come out and shoot alongside our military heroes. All proceeds from the event will go to Camp American Legion and Camp Hometown Heroes. Prizes for top shooters in each discipline, Raffles, Authentic Southern BBQ lunch, Security personnel on hand, Secure check-in/ check-out of firearms brought into clubhouse. The club is aiming to assist Wisconsin veterans. So please come on out and support the veterans and the club. I’m going for the Southern BBQ lunch, so I’ll see all of you out there.