Sunday, July 17, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS NEWS  7-16-16:  Polls show Americans Distrust Clinton, and give her supporters reasons to panic.  While the FBI might let presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton off the hook for her alleged mishandling of classified information, recent Washington Post/ABC News and CBS/New York Times polls suggest that the American public is far less forgiving. Some in the Clinton camp are beginning to panic.  WASHINGTON POST: Obama Lies Again, It’s as if Obama and Clinton are in a contest to see who can tell the most lies. During a Memorial Service for the five law enforcement officers who were killed in Dallas on July 7, Obama said, “We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” (Editor’s Note: Look how liberal Justice Ginsburg showed her true colors, as she would disarm all Americans if she had her way, another reason to vote with your freedoms in mind and the Constitution. I will not comment on Obama’s statement at the memorial service, because we all know he doesn’t live on this planet.)

In the world of firearms, Armscor/Rock Island Armory, asks you this question, “Why you should consider buying a 22TCM Pistol?” When a new caliber comes along, it can be tough to adopt if you’re set in your ways. And while your go-to might have done right by you for decades, it sometimes pays to be open-minded to a little enhancement. Case in point, the 22TCM line of pistols- it takes the best of both worlds and positions itself as a viable defense option for any experienced shooter. I had a chance to see some of the new models they are coming out with and trust me, they are great. Stop in at your local dealer and check them out. My grandson wants one, and he had no problem working it while on display.

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