Thursday, November 24, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE VOTED THIS YEAR FOR YOUR CONSTITUIONAL RIGHTS AND THE FREEDOM SO MANY GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR TO PROTECT. A special Thank You from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) to all who elected a president who has pledged to protect our Constitutional Rights and a majority of both houses to Congress that will work to ensure that our individual right to keep and bear arms will be preserved. The work of those who love liberty and our nations hunting and shooting sports traditions is never over. American’s need to remain politically involved to help ensure that the defense of our Second Amendment remains strong and the lawful commerce in firearms is protected at all levels of government. Please do not give up now that the election is over, as it’s never over, the liberals and the other party is always fighting to disarm all Americans and you see it still today with all the protests in the streets started by liberals and the other party. Please remember to pray for all our fighting men and women, police officers and fire fighters across our country. God Bless All of Them!

Read a sign the other day that says the following:  GUNS ARE WELCOME ON THE PREMISES, Please keep all weapons holstered unless need arises. In such case…Judicious Marksmanship is Appreciated.  In other news, Keep your Powder Dry-Democrats Doubled Down on Gun Confiscation. Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying the following: “If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated.”

NRA ILA Alerts:  Some of the stories that came over the line this week. After attempted robbery over the weekend, police stress self-defense from the Midland Police Dept.; Here is the best news I read all morning, Four Predictions about President Trump’s Supreme Court, and the court may also expand the rights of gun owners beyond its rulings in 2008 and 2010. One judge that Trump has put forward, Diane Sykes, has already issued a decision in favor of gun owners. Judge Sykes was from Wisconsin. She is one very good judge on the 7th Circuit Court that covers Wisconsin.  Pennsylvania hunters will be allowed to use semi-automatic firearms and handguns. GOP’s new muscle may remake Minnesota Capitol agenda, as the liberals and Democrats were ready to dump all kinds of new firearm laws against the owners.

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