Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Roger's Outdoor Notes

I had to take a double take of what I was looking at as I was traveling over the Lake Butte des Morts bridge in Oshkosh, WI on I-41. Right near Skipper Buds marine was a city of Ice Fishing Tents with guys walking all around them. There had to be nearly 20 of them. Please use some common sense before going out on any ice this early into the freezing season. Here are some SAFE ICE THICKNESS: 3 inches is good for one person,  4 inches - group in single file, 8 inches - passenger car, 9 to 12 inches -  small pickup truck, 12 to 15 inches - medium truck. These figures come from THE OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC. Of course if you are a big person like me, add a few more inches of inch before walking onto any ice and always make sure you have ice picks, flotation device and let someone know where you are going fishing. If carrying your cell phone, remember to place it into a plastic bag to help keep it dry, and if you do break through the ice, once out you will have a dry phone to call for help. Remember this: Solid, clear, blue/black pond and lake ice are how the above inches were figured out. Slush ice has only half the strength of blue ice. The strength value of river ice is 15% less.  So if you plan on going ice fishing this coming weekend, please be sure to check the ice thickness where ever you decide to chop a hole. Good Luck and please be safe.

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