Friday, July 13, 2018


JULY 2018

Truck Raffle Seller's Drawing Date Extended!
Don Kirby, Executive Director, 262.224.4949  

Thanks for taking a moment to update yourself on your association. We're out a little early this month, as next week is really jam-packed: we'll start on Sunday with the return of the Ozaukee County Sporting Clays Shoot, as a one-day event this year, then Monday afternoon I've got the executive committee meeting of our board, then president Bruce and I head to Portage for the first of a series of ad-hoc committee meetings with the WDNR & conservation partners, working to revise the Wisconsin waterfowl plan. Tuesday brings a meeting with our partners at Cabela's, in preparation for next month's Waterfowl Weekend, and then we finish the week with the 8th Annual Abrams Shoot, presented by NEW Wall Street of Green Bay, at the venue from last year's summer shoot, J&H Game Farm, near Shiocton. Wow, what a week! Please make plans to join us at one or more of the shoots, your game-strap will thank you, come October!

The 2019 Conservation Calendars have begun their distribution to volunteer teams, but before we fully turn our attention to that awesome fundraiser, I'm asking you to push hard for us to make it to a successful end to the Truck  Raffle first. Sales have been tough for some, but we want to honor our commitment to our sponsor partners, and finish strong, for a great event on August 30th (where we'll be raffling off some other great stuff, plus giving away the Shoot Series vault!).   IN THAT LIGHT: we're extending the deadline for sellers to get their ticket stubs in, for the big sellers' drawing: NOW, we'll draw that prize on MONDAY, AUGUST 13th at NOON. This gives everyone 2 additional weeks to pound out these ticket sales, and to turn in any unsold tickets, for us to use at the event. If you haven't sold tickets, and want to try, let me know, I'll get you some, PRONTO!

Join us at Royal St. Patrick's Golf Links July 25th!
weeks - get your registration in, ASAP! We have a great time, and the odds of winning awesome prizes is terrific, no matter how you swing your club.

Please let me know if you can help out at Cabela's for the Decoy Carving Contest & Exhibition, or the Calling Contest; I'm populating a spreadsheet of roles to be filled, just as we did last year at Stevens Point. There's interesting stuff to do Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These are longer days, so even if you can come help for a half day, it makes it much easier to get through them, in style. This is another fun way to help our Association, beyond fundraising and other projects.

Finally, let me know if you're interested in banding ducks at Collins Marsh this year. I can forward you the informational e-mail, with all the contact info.  They'll be starting in a week, and running through August, at least once a week. It's a really fun morning, you'll learn a bunch of duck biology, and it's one of the most captivating outdoors projects for kids, I've ever seen.

Reminder: know that Tom, Kelcy, and I are here to assist in any way we can, you just need to let us know what's on your mind. We've still got several groups that have yet to firm up any plans for an event, or a big class "A" raffle, especially into September and beyond, and we could certainly help your group get going on whatever plans might be getting y'all fired up.

Thanks so much, for all you do for our Association! 
See you on the water,  Don

Wisconsin DNR Presents Wild Wisconsin Podcast
WI DNR Migratory Game Bird Ecologist Taylor Finger and Assistant Migratory Game Bird Ecologist Trenton Rohrer did a podcast with the DNR and talked about the waterfowl program, themselves, hunting and waterfowl management. Check out the podcast on YouTube, below, and be sure to subscribe to see all upcoming podcasts.  Additionally, email Taylor with any ideas you have for upcoming podcasts.

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