Sunday, April 15, 2018


4/9/18 Meeting Minutes—attendees: Al Klingeisen, Emily and Eva Endter, Eileen and Harvey Mleziva, Leigh Duescher, Jean Duzeski, Joanne and Charles Geiger, Eliza and Beth Suchan, Brian Stanelle, Jim Hill. 
Financial report given by Joanne Geiger. Checking balance end of December $7,156.69 and Vickie Mayer Youth Fund savings account: $4890.07. As of Friday, $4150.00 was put into a secured Thrivent account which will gain a small amount of interest and be used for Youth activities/summer camps. We may also get a $500 grant from Jim Kettler/LNRP. More information as we find out. We are supposed to get some funding from NextEra Energy this month and got $300 from Lakeshore Dental for the March family event. We also hope to get some funding from Waste Management for June event.
Eliza Suchan discussed a youth conservation camp at Michigan Tech University that she will be attending this summer. She put forth a plea to the membership for financial support. It was approved that we would sponsor $500 towards the cost. The membership approves of Eliza’s hard work and dedication but also feels that we need to be able to support other children and young adults in any conservation-natural sciences areas as they arise. We will have the scholarship offerings, other summer camps, Maritime Watershed Ambassador Camp (will be back in 2019) to offer to our members. We also agreed that Eliza should be adding some volunteer time to the group …. Preferably a brat fry as these are our main fundraisers. We can have her talk about the camp, have some information at the stand for people to read and see firsthand what a responsible young lady Eliza is.
Upcoming events: 
April 29th tree pickup at Taus Town Hall or make arrangements with Al for other date. 
Family Day June 9: Dan Fager returns with Native American flute demonstration, river exploration, other ideas to be determined…, maybe do something with kids and making seed blends of native plants? Look for local Native American historical information/speaker? John Meyer—can I have you for Naturalist-led walks and we’ll try to get groups directed your way?  We will have a simple lunch area—maybe some bagels…. Anyone have suggestions, zip me an email ( 
Brat Frys: April 28th and July 7th ***Please contact Al for when you want to help out …. Approx. 10 – 3 pm for stand… will need fryers before …. Jim and Jean Hill, Eileen and Harvey Mleziva, Jean Duzeski, Leigh Duescher… please contact Al with when you want to help out on 4/28. Anyone else who wasn’t at the meeting and wants to help out please let Al know…. Fryers, concession stand work, set up and tear down. 
Bridge Crossing clean-ups… We are looking to have 2 groups for coverage on the crossings. April 21. Plan is to meet at Taus Town Hall or if elsewhere give Al a call (920)901-5166. Any help would be appreciated even if you can’t meet up right away…give Al a call and see where the groups are. Great community service opportunity!
August event… TBD… have at Woodland Dunes again? Invasives removal days….TBD when weather warms up!
Preliminary talks about having a hike out at Dodge Preserve in Fall… no fees… just to get people out there.
Water Action Volunteers citizen stream monitoring… if this is something you would like to do, let me know and I can fwd the class location, date details email. I won’t be able to do this anytime soon but any interested parties should reply to the email I sent to those who were interested. I’m not sure if they will fill up or not so please get in touch with Peggy soon. 
Thanks! Emily Endter, FOBR Secretary (920)323-3486 and Al Klingeisen, President (920)901-5166
FOBR address: P.O. Box 301 Whitelaw, WI 54247

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